13 Brutal Life Lessons Nobody Teaches You

13 Brutal Life Lessons Nobody Teaches You

  • 13 Brutal Life Lessons Nobody Teaches You

When we think about life lessons, many of us get to a point in life where we think to ourselves, “If only I could of taught the younger version of myself ‘xyz’ how much further in life would I be now?”. It’s interesting to ponder. However, sort of like a math equation from high school trigonometry, some lessons require several tries in order for us to master. Hopefully these lessons in life mentioned below will resonate enough to cement your memory that it won’t need additional future visitations.

1. Most important life lesson: Everyone is winging it

I recall when I first came to the realization that my parents didn’t have a clue about how to do life. At the time, it was quite terrifying. It was almost as if my world was going to crumble. I no longer had a “solid foundation” to lean on. What if they are the only clueless ones? Are there others? Now, in retrospect, it’s quite funny. Truth is, everyone is clueless and winging it, including the president. President Obama’s healthcare launch being a prime example. We shouldn’t be shocked though. It is part of our fundamental truth of human existence that we are all winging it. The main point is we should find comfort in knowing that we are all just winging it. So, next time don’t compare your insides with someone else’s outside. It’s not real.

2. If you’re a know it all, you’re a fool

We’ve all heard of the wise saying, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you should change rooms”. Unless, you happen to be a narcissist and need an ego boost, or maybe, you are super kind and want to teach others what you know. If you’re smart, you will want to find a different room where you can level up your wisdom and knowledge. History and the bible tells us many times that people who think they know everything, are fools, “If you think you know it all, you’re a fool for sure; real survivors learn wisdom from others.” – Proverbs 28:26. Some who lack awareness don’t realize that the portrayal of intelligence can come off as arrogance. Most people can see right through it. It’s better to be someone who always asks themselves, “What can I learn from this person/situation?”. Life will be much pleasant if you learn this lesson.

3. Nothing is impossible

Over my lifetime, I discovered from studying cases upon cases, that, under the right circumstances, anyone is capable of the heinous act of murder. This also led me to the realization that anything is possible, and by logic, nothing is impossible. We are capable of becoming a murderer just as much as we are capable of becoming a world renown doctor. Now of course, this perception isn’t meant to be stretched to fit something clearly illogical, for instance becoming a royalty, or becoming a less than five feet tall professional basketball player. The point is, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be confined to what we think our capabilities are. It’s much better to reach for the stars and miss it on the first few tries than to not try at all, and then later living with regret. Hopefully, whatever it is you are striving to achieve, that you find strength and courage in Luke 1:37: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” If there’s a side-hustle you’ve been wanting to start, the time is now.

4. Get to know yourself

Another important life lesson is self-discovery. The journey of self-discovery can be a difficult one. It requires a lot of self-awareness and self-consciousness. Still, it is worth the pursuit in reaping the benefits of truly understanding yourself. For instance, when you know yourself, you learn to embrace your flaws, and weaknesses. Moreover, you begin to accept yourself, and self-acceptance is one of the greatest strengths to have. Likewise, it helps to build your confidence, and when you are confident in who you are, you don’t struggle with the common fear of what people think of you. You become a better decision-maker because you know exactly what you want out of life.

5. There is no such thing as coicidences

Check out my YouTube video below where I talk about the chances of us being alive at this exact moment in time.

6. Everything in life is a process

Written by

Addiction recovery coach & blogger

Risa Patterson

Risa is a certified peer specialist who is currently working with women on parole and probation struggling with SUD and who are prone to re-incarceration. Risa, having had experienced complex trauma, and a former drug addict, was motivated by a calling from God to help motivate and empower others to overcoming their own struggles. Risa is currently pursing her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and strives to becoming a doctor in psychotherapy, specializing in drug addiction. She has a YouTube channel at @GritToGrace. She is also a Taiwanese immigrant.

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